Mount Olive Now

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July 27, 2024 12:10 am

10 ways to give back at work

GOLDSBORO — Habitat for Humanity Goldsboro-Wayne highlights 10 ways people can give back to the community through their workplace.

Organize a volunteer day. It doesn’t always have to be about work, work, work. See if you can get a volunteer day or half-day approved to partner with a local organization. You have the power to make a difference, and your coworkers can help!

Gather food for a local food bank. Organize a canned food drive and deliver it to a local food bank. Find a place to set up around the office for your coworkers to bring in donation items.

Partner with an organization to have a giving tree. Especially around the holidays, there are organizations that need supplies or gifts for those in need. Partner with a local organization and create a giving tree that coworkers can select items to help meet those needs.

Help your coworker with an assignment. Giving back doesn’t always have to be a huge act. Sometimes, it’s as simple as lending a hand to a coworker in need. If you have the time and you see someone struggling with their workload, offer to lend a hand!

Lend a hand to a coworker outside of work. Everybody needs a helping hand now and then. If you see an opportunity to help out a coworker outside of the workplace, take it! This could be as simple as offering a ride if their car is in the shop, or helping move a large item if they’re moving. Make it a goal to offer help when a coworker is in need. Chances are, you’ll make a friend, and they’ll return the favor.

Ask to start a volunteer program. Many companies have a volunteer program where their employees can take a day off each quarter or a certain number of days each year to give back without using their PTO. If your company doesn’t have a program, approach your leadership to see if you can get one started.

Develop a matching gifts program. Many companies are able to offer a matching gifts program. This means when an employee donates to a specific organization, the company will match the donation up to a certain amount. If your company does not have a matching gifts program, see if you can get one implemented.

Perform random acts of kindness. Bring a coworker a cup of coffee. Pick up a conference room that looks out of order. Pick up the lunch tab next time you’re out. Random acts of kindness can make a huge difference, no matter how small the act!

Fundraise for your favorite organization. Start a fundraiser and involve your coworkers! Remember that some companies may have policies against fundraising in the workplace, so you’ll want to ensure you have the fundraising activities approved before you begin.

Educate your coworkers on a cause you love. Giving back starts by igniting a passion for an organization or cause. Take the time to educate your coworkers on a specific cause you love. Tell them how much it means to you. You may just create another lifelong supporter!

— From the Habitat for Humanity of Goldsboro-Wayne website