Mount Olive Now

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July 26, 2024 8:52 pm

Summer internship provides experience and connections for future success

University of Mount Olive senior Israel Velazquez Francisco is preparing for his future with a summer internship in the Inventory Control Department at Mt. Olive Pickle Co.

MOUNT OLIVE — Israel Velazquez Francisco, a senior at the University of Mount Olive, is gaining practical experience through an internship at the Mt. Olive Pickle Company.

With a passion for business and a strong work ethic instilled by his hardworking family, Velazquez Francisco has overcome challenges and embraced opportunities that have shaped his journey. “I come from a hardworking family,” he said. “Growing up my parents taught me to work and never take anything for granted. At age 12, I worked in the hot tobacco fields picking the flowers from the plants. At the time, I did not understand why my parents made me work such a laborious job. Now, I understand. Jobs like those made me realize what hard work truly is, and that nothing is given. Since then, I think of money as my hard work and sacrifice. At UMO, I translate that into trying my best to get the most out of my college time.  I am truly working my hardest, because I know my parents did everything they could to help me get where I am today. I hope to achieve something great at Mount Olive by working hard and having faith in myself and in God.”

Born and raised in Teachey, Velazquez Francisco graduated from Wallace-Rose Hill High School in 2020. Following his graduation, he enrolled at UMO to pursue a degree in accounting and a minor in computer information systems. His  fascination with the business world, particularly the financial aspects of corporations, led him to choose accounting as his major.

Throughout his time at UMO, Velazquez Francisco has been actively involved in various campus activities. He is a member of the Accounting Society Club and has participated in the VITA (Volunteer Income Tax Assistance) program, where he helped prepare taxes for the local community. His dedication and commitment to his studies earned him the VITA certification, showcasing his expertise in tax preparation.

In addition to his involvement on campus, Velazquez Francisco has secured an internship in the Inventory Control Department at Mt. Olive Pickle Company, one of the nation’s largest pickle-producing companies. In this role, he is responsible for accurately recording inventory, providing reports to managers and superintendents and ensuring the smooth flow of business operations. Velazquez Francisco applies his Excel skills, which he developed during his coursework at UMO, to efficiently manage inventory data and contribute to informed decision- making processes.

Through the internship, Velazquez Francisco said he has gained a deeper understanding of the business world, particularly the FIFO (First-In, First-Out) system, and has honed his critical thinking and attention to detail. The internship has not only prepared him for a career in accounting, he believes, but has also highlighted the importance of questioning and improving existing processes to enhance efficiency.

Looking ahead, Velazquez Francisco said he plans to pursue a career as a financial advisor, with a strong focus on helping individuals and communities make informed financial decisions. He says his long-term goal is to empower his community by imparting essential knowledge about savings and investments, fostering overall financial well-being.

Described as charismatic, hardworking, and humble by those closest to him, Velazquez Francisco credits his family, particularly his mother, for playing a major role in his life. He said the unwavering support and guidance he has received has helped him overcome challenges and maintain a positive mindset. Velazquez Francisco says he is motivated by personal growth and the opportunity to wake up each day with the goal of becoming better than yesterday.

As Velazquez Francisco nears his graduation in 2024, he said he remains committed to excelling in his academic and professional endeavors. With his dedication, work ethic, and the valuable experiences gained at UMO and Mount Olive Pickle, he believes he is poised for a successful future in the business world, ready to make a positive impact on individuals and communities alike.

From University of Mount Olive Public Relations