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July 27, 2024 3:10 am

Board of Education takes next steps in superintendent search

GOLDSBORO — During a special called meeting Jan. 20, board members met virtually with representatives of Ray and Associates Inc., the firm recently approved to support the board with its superintendent search. Board members discussed the firm’s draft search process timeline and made a number of calendar changes to prevent meeting conflicts.

As part of the discussion to establish a salary range for advertisements, board attorney Richard Schwartz listed various superintendent salary averages over the past two years for similar-sized North Carolina school districts, as well as the average salaries of superintendents within the state’s Superintendent 4 Salary Category (10,001 – 25,000 ADM).

He noted two years ago, WCPS ranked as the eighth largest school district in the Superintendent 4 Salary Category and was among the four lowest in salaries. Chair Wade Leatham expressed that the board should not come across that it cannot afford to pay for a good candidate, but that it should take into account what it can afford to pay.

Vice-Chair Craig Foucht expressed that the board cannot afford to underpay a superintendent. He then suggested that the board add an additional $5,000 of local funds to the monthly state salary, approximately $204,000 annually, which would be $20,000 less annually than the top five superintendent salary averages for similar sized districts. Leatham suggested a $6,500 addition to the monthly state salary for the top-end of the salary range, approximately $222,000 annually. After some discussion, Foucht motioned to approve a salary range of $204,000 – $222,000 annually, plus benefits, which could be listed in the firm’s advertising. Seconded by board member Patricia Burden, the motion passed unanimously.

Some discussion followed about the firm’s advertising recommendations and options for the opening. After some discussion and clarifications from the firm about options, the board unanimously approved to advertise using all of the firm’s recommended options, the AASA Job Flash package, and the optional Career Builder. The board agreed that the district will develop the ad for the opening.

Other discussion centered around the draft superintendent application, community engagement opportunities and the qualities that stakeholders and the board want in its next superintendent. Without any further discussion with the firm representatives, the board unanimously approved its contract with Ray and Associates Inc.

Assistant Superintendent of Support Services Dr. Tim Harrell provided a Maintenance Salary Report which had been requested by the board. The report included the local salaries of WCPS maintenance staff, their current salary grades and steps, where their potential earnings will be on their current salary scales when they reach 50 percent of their career, N.C. Commerce salary data provided by Foucht which listed comparable positions, and how N.C. Commerce median salaries listed for the comparable positions compare.

Some discussion followed about the report, potential recruitment strategies, suggestions for helping employees grow professionally and into higher paying positions and the immediate need to fill vacancies to help reduce the amount of work other staff is absorbing to cover the work that still needs to be completed across the maintenance areas.

The board also approved a general personnel report.

— From the Wayne County Board of Education website